2. Collection Partners/Pay Sources
  3. Performance Rights Organizations & Collective Management Organizations (PROs/CMOs)

Why is Songtrust Listed as My Publisher?

It probably has to do with your publishing entity, or lack thereof.

Songtrust is a publishing administration company, meaning it’s authorized to register works and collect money on your behalf. If you do not have a publishing entity registered at your Performing Rights Organization (PRO), Songtrust, who is collecting the publisher’s share of your performance royalties, will be listed as your publisher.

If you have a publishing entity and would like it listed on song registrations, you can include its details when you add a songwriter. If you’ve already added a songwriter and forgot to include their publishing information, please use our Support Form to submit a ticket to our Client Services Team making sure to include your publisher’s name and IPI so we can manually add it for you. You can find this form by logging into your account and finding the link on your client dashboard.

Once your publishing entity name is added to your Songtrust account, it will be listed as your publisher, with Songtrust included under the contact info, though this will vary a little depending on the pay source. This article gives an example of how this setup might look in your PRO.

Ready to learn the truth about how your global royalties are tracked, collected, and paid out to you? Get a deep dive into pay sources, how publishers collect royalties, and why you need a publishing partner. 

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