What if I'm Already Affiliated With a Performing Rights Organization (PRO)?

You’re on your way to collecting royalties worldwide.

You must be affiliated with a Performing Rights Organization (PRO) when you sign up for Songtrust, so if you are already a member, all you have to do is complete the Letter of Direction (LOD) in your account. That way we can let your PRO know we will be collecting on your behalf.

You need to be affiliated with a PRO because you are entitled to both a writer's share  — paid directly to you by your PRO — and publisher's share of royalties whenever your song is used. The latter is often overlooked; this is where Songtrust comes in.

Songtrust acts as your publishing administrator, making sure you’re paid 100% of what you’re owed in publishing royalties. We also register your songs and collect from The Harry Fox Agency, Music Reports, YouTube, The MLC, and more than 60 global pay sources. These revenue streams are entirely separate from the writer royalties paid out by your PRO, which is why Songtrust is perfect for songwriters regardless of their current affiliation.


Interested in learning more? Check out our blog post on why just being affiliated with a PRO is not enough. 


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