How do I register an album or EP in my Songtrust account?

Each individual song must be added as a separate registration.

Songtrust registers and collects royalties on a song-by-song basis, so avoid grouping all songs from an EP or album under one song registration in your account. Each song from the album or EP must have its own registration, with its respective ISRC.

The only situation where you should add additional ISRCs to the same song registration is if there are multiple versions of the same song with the identical splits. For example, let’s say you have a song called, "Light" and you make a remix called, "Light (Remix)." As long as "Light (Remix)" has the same writer shares as the original song, "Light,” then you can simply add the additional ISRC for the remix version to the original registration, “Light” in your Songtrust account.


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