When Do Changes in a Recording Merit a New ISRC?

A number of thing can merit a new ISRC!

According to the RIAA, a new International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) must be assigned to a sound recording when: 

  1. It’s re-mixed or edited
  2. A new fade changes the length of a track by more than 10 seconds
  3. Any edits change the length of a sound recording by more than 10 seconds
  4. A previously released sound recording is partially used in a compilation
  5. A “full restoration” of a recording is performed by re-mastering, re-pitching, re-equalizing, de-noising, or de-clicking a sound recording to meet contemporary quality standards

For a full rundown of situations that require a new ISRC, please consult the most recent ISRC Handbook, which is available as a free download here

Don't know what an ISRC is or how to obtain one? Find out everything you need to know about ISRCs here!