What If I Need To Edit My Songs After Submitting Them to Songtrust?

We can help you out with this one.

There are many possible reasons for editing a song’s details after adding it to your Songtrust account, including a sudden change in split percentages, misspelled names, and incorrect songwriter information. If you notice an error in one or more of your songs, please fill out our Support Form to submit a ticket and reach our Client Services Team. You can find this form by logging into your account and finding the link on your client dashboard. A Songtrust team member will make the necessary changes for you.

If you’d rather not run into a problem in the first place, check out our post on Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Registering Your Songs.

We don’t allow clients to edit songs directly after registering them in order to avoid creating duplicates and mis-matches when delivering works to our collection partners.


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