How Do I Use Songtrust’s “Access” Feature?

Share your account information with several people.

Access is a Songtrust feature that facilitates account sharing. While the read-only version lets invited parties see a songwriter’s information, royalty report, and split details, full access adds the ability to submit or remove specific pieces. 

A few common examples of Access in action would be a songwriter letting their lawyer comb over their account or a band that brings their members’ individual accounts under one banner to simplify royalty payments and song registrations. 

There are two ways to get Access going on your own account. 

  • Go to Menu --> Account Settings --> "Access Management" to invite someone to access one of your writers.

  • Input the email address of the person you would like to invite.

  • Locate a writer you want to share access to. 

  • Set the type of access (read-only or full). 

  • Set access to end on a specific date or share with no end date. 

  • Invite your partner to access your account. They will be sent an email to create their own personal Songtrust account login.


  • Go to Menu --> Songwriters and locate the "Access" column, then click on the icon next to a specific songwriter to invite someone to access that writer.
  • Input the email address of the person you would like invited to access your writer.
  • Set the type of access (read-only or full).
  • Set an end date if necessary.
  • Invite your partner to access your account. They will be sent an email to create their own personal Songtrust login. 

For more on how Access works, check out our crash course here and learn about other Songtrust features here.


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