Can Songtrust Collect My YouTube Royalties?

When it comes to compositions, yes.

Songtrust offers YouTube monetization on behalf of your compositions as part of our worldwide publishing administration services. 

When you opt into YouTube monetization through Songtrust, we deliver all your songs, along with ISRC information, to YouTube’s Content ID System automatically. Please note that Songtrust can only help monetize your compositions. If you own your sound recordings , you'll need a distributor/label/third party to help monetize them on your behalf.

Once you add songs into your account with at least one ISRC, we automatically deliver them to YouTube's Content ID system. When YouTube locates a video that matches the metadata we provided, it automatically claims the video for us. You can be confident that videos that qualify to be monetized are being claimed on your behalf and can use the Songtrust YouTube Claims page to discover and track all successful claims.

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